Friday, July 1, 2016

Here’s my latest iPad Pro drawing. It is a behemoth for this device. 12.5” x 18.5” at the equivalent of 600dpi which is at the current max at that resolution. I am sure future builds of the iPad Pro will allow the program to let me more comfortably illustrate at this size. I only get 4 layers at that resolution, but I have made due with it. The layers allow me to copy and paste sections to speed things up and make certain elements consistent. Look at the two sets of 3 large wheels on the city. I duplicated them and made slight changes to make them a bit different. Same with the circular engine rooms along the body of the vehicle. Also, the tree above and left of the bear balloon I duplicate and changed the foliage on the right side and placed it at the very bottom center of the drawing. Some of the roof windows I did the same. The dirigible, I copied and pasted from another drawing and then I traced over it. 

I am just about to start rendering it in color. The file size will only get bigger, but the actually storage memory on the iPad is plenty. It is the RAM that I am concerned with. So far so good. I will use the layers I have available and once I am sure about an area, flatten the layers to reduce memory.